I love the look this app creates. Of all the journal apps, this one gives you the most appealing interface. Developers: Please make this for the iPad.
It is too bad someone gave it one star for "no password protect," this is an unfair rating.
I have nearly all the Journal apps. This one delivers an appealing "index" or Table of Contents that I really like, showing the photo and the title. I use app on my iPhone for travel notes and for daily amusing, short entries. I like choosing a catchy title and photo, and with a paragraph or two, I have a nice memory of the best parts of the day, new friends, food notes, pet tricks, sightings, anecdotes.
For full-out storm-the-door writing there are perhaps, better apps (Pages), but for a witty paragraph with photo illustration and a creative title to wrap it all up, you can't beat All-in One. I still wish we had it for the iPad.